1. Upstox Margin Calculator
- Upstox Margin Calculator is an online live tool allows you to calculate comprehensive margin including SPAN and Exposure margin.
- The client can use the tool to calculate for options shorting, multi-leg F&O and option writing strategies.
- This Upstox Margin Calculator helps the user to accurately calculate the data in real-time. In addition we get update Span margin data directly from NSE website on a real-time basis, and 6 times a day.
- This margin calculator allows you to calculate stocks and their margins in lot size.
2. Upstox Equity margin calculator
Upstox Equity Intraday margin calculator
- Upstox provides attractive margins or exposures in Equity Intraday Cash.
- The company promises to provide a margin of Up to 20X time on Equity Intraday trading.
Upstox Equity Delivery margin calculator
- When you want to trade with equity delivery just simply choose Upstox Cash and Carry(CNC)
- Your Demat account will be delivered with shares as soon as you buy it. Similarly, if you sell then it gets debited from your Demat account.
- Thus Upstox provides free delivery trading so the brokerage charge is zero and the margin is 1x time.
Upstox Equity Future margin calculator
- This stockbroker Provides Equity future margin Up to 4x time in intraday trading.
- Moreover, Upstox also provides a carry forward margin of 1x time in Equity Future.
- As per the new SEBI rule and regulation, every registered stockbroker needs to collect the Total margin (Span+ Exposure) for each trading day. In order to avoid penalties for the clients.
Upstox Equity Option margin calculator
- Upstox gives an intraday margin Up to 4x time in Equity Option.
- In addition that it also provides carry a forward margin of 1x time in Equity Option.
Upstox/Rksv Online Margin List
Segment | Margin/Exposure/Limit/Leverage |
Equity Delivery | Upto 2x (Time Margin) |
Equity Intraday | Upto 15x (Time Leverage) |
Equity Future | Upto 4x (Time Limit) |
Equity Option | Upto 2x (Trading Margin) |
Currency Future | Upto 4x(Trading Exposure) |
Currency Option | Upto 2x (Trading Leverage) |
Commodity Future | Upto 2x |
Commodity Option | Upto 2x |
BO & CO Margin | Upto 40x (Time Exposure) |
3. Upstox Commodity margin calculator
Upstox Commodity future margin calculator
- For intraday trading of Commodity future, Upstox offers 40% of the span and 2.5x margin leverage.
- However, once the market is closed Upstox automatically stops the position if the clients don’t manually lock the position and the total amount will be Carry forwarded for next trading day with zero brokerage (1x) of Span leverage is given.
Upstox Commodity option margin calculator
- In the case of intraday trading of a Commodity option, Upstox offers 40% of the span and 2.5x margin leverage.
- The total amount will be Carry forwarded for the next trading day with zero brokerage (1x) of Span leverage is given by the stockbroker.
4. Upstox(Rksv) Currency margin calculator
Upstox Currency future margin calculator
- Upstox provides an intraday margin of Up to 4x times for currency future segments.
- Carry forward margin of 1xtime is also mentioned in the case of Currency’s future.
Upstox Currency option margin calculator
- Upstox Currency option Intraday margin is about 40% or (2.5x) leverage based on the market’s future value.
- Moreover, if the clients forget to stop the position then the currency option stop position is closed automatically by the Upstox team it is Carry forwarded for the next trading day with zero brokerage charge and (1x) leverage is provided.
5. Upstox(Rksv) BO & CO margin calculator
- Upstox also provides Bracket Order(BO) facilities, which helps their clients to take an Intraday position and take advantage of the leverage and exposure.
- Similarly, it also provides protection from loss by stop-loss order and makes an objective to profit.
- However, a cover order is a two-way order. In this process client initially places an order along with a stop-loss order simultaneously.
- If you are interested to order as Bracket Order or Cover Order, you can set a stop- loss against your performed trade.
- By doing so, you save yourself from heavy loss and risk of mitigation even if the market falls beyond its limits.
- So, in the end, you end up with minimum loss which is always beneficial and a smart way to survive in the broking world.
6. Upstox Span margin calculator
- A Span Margin calculator helps in calculating the amount a user must keep in his/her trading account in order to overcome any unfortunate potential loss in the stock market.
- All registered stockbrokers including Upstox are bound to collect the total exposure including span margin.
- SPAN Margin also known as Standardized Portfolio Analysis of Risk.
- For margin in the segment of Equity derivatives, few new rules and regulations are introduced by SEBI.
- However, by collecting both span margin and total exposure helps the derivatives positions to get carried forward for the next trading session.
- Hence it is the responsibility of the user to maintain a sound amount of margin in its account and it helps in avoiding penalties and squaring off positions.
7. Need Upstox Margin Calculator
- Upstox Margin Calculator is a very important online tool. It helps the user to select futures, options and also allows mixing both options and futures contracts together.
- It adds multiple facilities for the trader like depending on your choice and need user can add contracts or remove any contract from the list when needed. It enhances the flexibility in trading.
- The margin and the exposure is almost standard in all stockbrokers, however brokers can increase or decrease based on their interest.
- The margin and exposure are based on total stocks and other market values. It is approved by the exchange and Upstox approved stocks.
8. List of other Stock Broker Margin Calculator
Q. How much margin does Upstox give?
Upstox gives up to 20x times of margin.
Q. Upstox provides a margin for options?
Upstox provides a margin of up to 4x times.
Q. How much Exposure does Upstox provide?
Upstox gives up to 20x times of Exposure.
Q. How much does Upstox charge for intraday margin?
You will be charged Rs.20 or 0.01% (whichever is lower).
Q. What is the margin for delivery trading in Upstox?
The margin for delivery trading is up to 1x time in Upstox.
Q. What is the margin for CNC trading in Upstox?
Up to 3xtimes of margin is proved by Upstox for CNC trading.
Q. What is LMT in Upstox?
LMT stands for Limit Order.
Q. How to use margin in Upstox?
To use margin you need to maintain your trading account with margin funding.
Q. Can I margin trading in Upstox?
Yes, you can use margin trading in Upstox.