Sbicap Securities Margin Calculator Online in 2019

SBIcap Securities Margin Calculator Online
SBIcap Securities Margin Calculator Online

 1. Sbicap Securities Margin Calculator   

  • The client can use the tool to calculate for options shorting, multi-leg F&O and option writing strategies.
  • This Sbicap Margin Calculator helps the user to accurately calculate the data in real-time. In addition, we get update Span margin data directly from the NSE website on a real-time basis, and 6 times a day.

2. Sbicap Equity margin calculator

Sbicap Equity Intraday margin calculator

  • Up to 15x times (based on the stock) margin is provided by Sbicap Intraday (MIS).
  • A true intraday product is a special type of product that is mainly bought and sells for a single trading day and Sbicap Equity MIS is the intraday product.
Open Demat Account With Sbicap securities
Open Demat Account With Sbicap securities

Sbicap Equity Delivery margin calculator

  • Margin provided by the Full-service broker in case of delivery 8x times, which means you need to have the margin to pay upfront for the trade carried out.
  • Suppose in case if a user holds the stocks from more than one trading day or session then it’s automatically converted into delivery trade or a CNC type of trade (Cash And Carry).

Sbicap Equity Future margin calculator

  • In the case of SBICAP Equity Future Intraday margin is about up to 8x times leverage based on the stock.

Sbicap Equity Option margin calculator

  • This full-service broker provides no leverage or exposure on buying of Equity options trading.
  • However, SBICAP offers shorting margin on Equity options which is up to 8x times.

SBI Cap Securities Exposure Margin List

Segment Margin/Exposure/Limit/Leverage
Equity Delivery 2x margin
Equity Intraday Upto 5x time Leverage
Equity Future na
Equity Option
Currency Future na
Currency Option na
Commodity Future na
Commodity Option
BO & CO Margin

3. Sbicap Commodity margin calculator

Sbicap Commodity future margin calculator

  • For intraday trading of Commodity future, the full-service broker offers 4x times margin leverage.

Sbicap Commodity option margin calculator


4. Sbicap Currency margin calculator

Sbicap Currency future margin calculator

  • SBICAP provides an intraday margin of Up to 5x times for currency future segments.
  • Carry forward margin of 1x time is also mentioned in the case of Currency’s future.

Sbicap Currency option margin calculator

  • This full-service broker provides no leverage or exposure on buying of Currency options trading.
  • However, SBICAP offers shorting margin on Currency options which is up to 6x times.

5. Sbicap BO & CO margin calculator

  • Sbicap also provides Bracket Order (BO) facilities, which helps their clients to take an Intraday position and take advantage of the leverage and exposure.
  • Similarly, it also provides protection from loss by stop-loss order and makes an objective to profit.
  • However, a cover order is a two-way order. In this process client initially places an order along with a stop-loss order simultaneously.
  • If you are interested to order as Bracket Order or Cover Order, you can set a stop- loss against your performed trade.
  • By doing so, you save yourself from heavy loss and risk of mitigation even if the market falls beyond its limits.
  • So, in the end, you end up with a minimum loss which is always beneficial and a smart way to survive in the broking world.

6. Sbicap Span margin calculator

  • SPAN Margin also known as Standardized Portfolio Analysis of Risk.
  • It is a specially designed process used by different stock brokers in India.
  • A Span Margin calculator helps in calculating the amount a user must keep in his/her trading account in order to overcome any unfortunate potential loss in the stock market.
  • By using this concept it broadens the exposure level of any client to trade in a risk-free manner.
  • However, there is no specific value fixed as SPAN Margin as it varies from scrip to scrip. The main reason behind it is that every segment is different from each other so the risk factor is also different.
  • The margin is specified based on the market and industry, stock availability and volatility, completion of stocks and the global interest over that stock.

7. Need Sbicap Margin Calculator

  • While you are performing any trade that doesn’t matter on whatever segment it is you must consider using a margin calculator.
  • Sbicap’s margin calculator is pretty simple and clear in the values and margins across every trading segment.
  • A margin calculator helps a trader in maintaining a balance in his or her trading account based on market values.
  • It offers auto square off position to safeguard your losses.

8. List of other Stock Broker Margin Calculator

Stoxkart Margin Calculator Beeline Broking Margin Calculator
Alice Blue Margin Calculator Composite Margin Calculator
Profit Mart Margin Calculator Bonanza CapitalMargin Calculator
Finvasia Margin Calculator Monarch Margin Calculator
Zerodha Margin Calculator Sushil Finance Margin Calculator


Q.1. How much margin does Sbicap give?

Ans. SBICap gives a margin of up to 15x times

Q.2. Sbicap provides a margin for options?

Ans. SBICAP offers shorting margin on Equity options which is up to 8x times.

Q.3. How much Exposure does Sbicap provide?

Ans. SBICap gives an exposure of up to 15x times

Q.4. How much does Sbicap charge for intraday margin?

Ans. Sbicap charges 0.00386% for the Intraday margin.

Q.5. What is the margin for delivery trading in Sbicap?

Ans. Margin provided by the SBIcap in case of delivery 8x times.

Q.6. What is the margin for CNC trading in Sbicap?

Ans. No margin is provided by Sbicap for CNC trading.

Q.7. What is LMT in Sbicap?

Ans.LMT stands for Limit Order.

Q.8. How to use margin in Sbicap?

Ans. To use margin you need to maintain your trading account with margin funding.

Q.9. Can I margin trading in Sbicap?

Ans. Yes, you can perform margin trading in Sbicap.

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Stockquantum was founded by Dharmendra Mukati in 2018. I am a Trader and Investor in the last 10 years. I am writing here about stock broker review, broker comparison, IPO investment, Crypto currencies, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, sub brokership, mutual fund, personal finance, and our experiences.