1. Marwadi Brokerage Calculator
The website of Marwadi does provide the facility of brokerage calculator. Brokerage in simple terms mean the commission that a broker charges. In this case of share/stock market it is the brokers charging commission for facilitating the trading services to the traders. As brokerage is something that the trader has to pay to the brokers for the services they expect to know before-hand how much are they paying as a brokerage and what are the other charges that they pay when trading in stock market. The brokerage calculator makes this calculation easier for the traders who can plan their trades much better. This calculator is available for all the segments of the stock market. Marwadi charges nil charges to open a trading account with them. All the charges are also detailed in the contract note that the broker must produce to the trader.
2. Marwadi Equity Brokerage Calculator
In the forthcoming section more details on the brokerage is provided on orders like intraday and delivery on segments of equities, commodities and their derivatives. Most common type of orders for retail traders are the intraday and delivery. Brokers usually charge lesser brokerage on the intraday than the delivery trades. Some brokers charge flat brokerage as commission.
Marwadi Equity Intraday Brokerage Calculator
Brokerage on Marwadi for intraday trading is 0.30%. Also there are other fees involved when traders trade on stock market. Few of the charges are exchange related and others are legal related. The contract note that is generated of the brokerage calculator details out all of these charges.
– Marwadi Equity Delivery Brokerage Calculator
When a trader holds the position for more than one trading session it is referred to as a delivery trade. Marwadi charges 0.60% as the delivery trade brokerage. With delivery trade trader can choose to close the positions when they find a better profitable price.
– Marwadi Equity Future Brokerage Calculator
In its derivative form equities can be traded as a future. Marwadi charges 0.30% to 0.60% as brokerage to the traders. There is also a requirement to maintain the span margin as per the exchange rules. Not all the equities have a future contracts attached to the. The list of futures that can be traded s a future is listed on the broker website and also on NSE website.
– Marwadi Equity Option Brokerage Calculator
Another form of derivatives is the options. Options have an expiry date attached to it, and the value of the option keeps on reducing with expiry date arriving. Marwadi charges Rs 100 to Rs 200 per lot on options trading on their platform. Similar to the futures, options also require the margin to be maintained on the trading account. Option list is also available on the NSE website.
3. Marwadi Commodity Brokerage Calculator
Traders can also trade in commodities on Marwadi trading platform. MCX exchange facilitates this on the broker platform. Marwadi charges the brokerage on commodity trading similar to those of the equities. Most popular commodities are Gold, Silver and crude oil. Commodities can also be traded in the form of futures and options. To facilitate small traders to trade on the commodities exchanges have made available smaller lots also known as mini lots. The profits on the mini lots are correspondingly lower than the mega lots.
Marwadi Commodity Future Brokerage Calculator
The brokerage charges on the commodity futures are 0.30% – 0.60%. Contract note also specifies what other charges are included. The types of charges vary when compared to NSE.
Marwadi Commodity Option Brokerage Calculator
The brokerage charges on the commodity options are 0.30% – 0.60%. Contract note also specifies what other charges are included. The types of charges vary when compared to NSE.
4. Marwadi Currency Brokerage Calculator
Currency trading can also be conducted on the Marwadi trading platform. They can be traded in the form of either a future of option contract. The currency market is most of the times volatile. Small news can cause greater impact on the prices of the currencies. Currency market is open 24 hours across 5 days in a week.
Marwadi Currency Future Brokerage Calculator
Marwadi charges 0.30% – 0.60% as brokerage on currency futures trading on their platform.
Marwadi Currency Option Brokerage Calculator
Traders are charged Rs 60 as the brokerages on trading on the options. All the options details are available on the website.
5. Marwadi Basic Plan Brokerage Charges Table.
Segment | Charges |
Monthly Fee (Fixed) | |
Equity Delivery | 0.60% |
Equity Intraday | 0.30% |
Equity Futures | 0.30% to 0.60% |
Equity Options | Rs 100 Rs 200 per lot |
Currency Futures | 0.30% to 0.60% |
Currency Options | Rs 60 per lot |
Commodity Futures | 0.30% to 0.60% |
Commodity Options | 0.30% to 0.60% |
6. Marwadi BO & CO Brokerage Calculator
Bracket order facility is not available on the Marwadi trading platform. Cover orders also not available. These type of orders facilitates the traders to place targets, maintain stop loss in a single window while placing a trade.
7. Marwadi Span Brokerage Calculator
Marwadi do not charge any additional charges for the Span margin calculation.
8. Need Marwadi Brokerage Calculator
The contract notes generated from a brokerage calculator details out all the charges that are charged by the broker. This makes the life of a trader much better where the trader can plan the trades better. The calculator is so smooth that it calculates the charges in matter of seconds. The calculator all the various segments available on the platform to be traded.
9. List of other Stock Broker Brokerage Calculator
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10. FAQ
What are Marwadi brokerage charges?
Ans: Marwadi charges 0.3% for intraday trading.
What is STT charge in Marwadi?
Ans: STT charge on Marwadi 0.0111% on total turnover.
Does Marwadi charge brokerage on delivery trades?
Ans: Marwadi charges 0.60% as brokerage on delivery trades.
Does Marwadi charge any monthly charges?
Ans: No, Marwadi does not charge any monthly charges to the traders
Does Marwadi charge flat brokerage or percentage basis?
Ans: They charge both flat and percentage based fee to it traders.